How To Change Your Kik Display Username

In social media platforms, usernames and display names are essential, but changing them has restrictions and limitations based on the platform. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to change your Kik display name and how to create a username so you get it right the first time, or the second time if you close your account and reopen it.

Kik allows you to change your display name as often as you like, but you cannot change your username, which is why choosing wisely is so important.

Why Change Your Kik Display Name?

By changing your Kik display name, you can evolve while using the platform, remain anonymous, and appear as different people in different scenarios. From reputational change to investigative journalism to public defamation, this can be extremely helpful.

Changing Your Kik Display Name

Besides providing the way to locate your profile in a Kik search or even a search engine, your display name is also the name you use to contact you using the app. Changes can be made to this name.

You can change your Kik display name by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Kik.

  2. On the main page, click the “cog” icon to access settings.

  3. From the options, select “Your Account”.

  4. On the “Name” tab, tap it.

  5. Then click “SAVE” in the top-right corner to change your display name.

  6. The screen returns to “Your Account.”. Verify the name change for “Name” is correct, then exit the settings menu.

Your new name and profile picture should now appear at the top of the main Kik page.

Selecting a Kik Display Name

Changing your display name is an easy process. It takes time to come up with a good name. You could use a name generator like the Jimpix username generator, SpinXO username generator, or Namestation Kik name generator.

It is also possible to come up with something on your own.

Name generation websites generate random names based on an algorithm, or ask a few questions about your personality to provide better suggestions. The generated name suggestions aren’t all great, but you may find better ideas if you use some of the words or phrases.

Depending on how you intend to use Kik, you should put a lot of effort into your display name. Interviews can be conducted using the app by some people. Those who like it like it because it offers anonymity when asking questions. It is also convenient for interviewees because they can remain anonymous until the right time has come. Nevertheless, most people use Kik for less serious purposes, such as hanging out, chatting, sharing, and getting to know someone before disclosing personal or private information.

Changing Display Name If You Don’t Want to Be Recognized on Kik

When using Kik, you need a display name that doesn’t relate to you or has at least one degree of separation. Imagine you’re a dark-haired cycling fan who hates football in real life. It would be completely opposite if you used a display name like ‘Blond49er’ or something similar, whereas ‘TekNerd22’ has nothing to do with your identity. If you don’t want others to think you’re hiding from them or doing something illegitimate, such as spamming or hacking accounts, then the first option is best.

Changing Display Name If You Want to be Anonymous on Kik

For anonymity on Kik, you can use the degree of separation principle, but if you want a display name that isn’t your own, you don’t have to. It is also possible to use the same rules for your social media usernames and gaming names. Choose a few words you like the sound of and go with them.

In contrast to games or other social networks, Kik’s display names are disposable, but your username will remain constant. You can set your display name to whatever you want and change it whenever you want.

Just remember that inappropriate, childish, racist, offensive, dumb, or just plain stupid names will have the same effect as they do on other social networks. Choose your display name wisely if you want to be taken seriously or interact with others.


In conclusion, if you want to change your Kik display username, there are many different ways to go about it. Some users may find it helpful to use third-party tools or forums, while others may prefer to simply delete and re-create their account using a new name. Whatever route you decide to take, remember that being creative and thoughtful when choosing your new username is key – after all, no one wants their personal information shared publicly on the internet!

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